Lusty & Blundell, a well-known NZ owned and operated, marine equipment supply company, have announced a very generous sponsorship package for the upcoming Altex Yacht and Boat Paint 2023 Auckland to Tauranga (A2T) Yacht Race starting at 1600hrs on Friday 31st March 2023 (racing) and 1000hrs on Thursday 30th March (cruising).
Global warming is impacting on all of us with recent heavy and prolonged rainfall causing a lot of damage to many properties throughout NZ and we all need to consider how we can contribute to reducing emissions to stop this
phenomena from occurring.
For yacht and launch owners, this electric outboard is a no brainer for all small boats.
Lusty & Blundell will provide a $2,000 (incl. GST) voucher to go towards the purchase of a Haswing Electric Outboard or any other Zodiac or Spinlock product from Lusty & Blundell.
The Haswing Ultima Electric Outboard weighs 16.2kgs, comes with a 30AH battery and retails for $3,349 incl. GST.
In addition to this, Lusty & Blundell already sponsor two upmarket Spinlock Deckvest Lite Inflatable Life Jackets as prizes for the Altex A2T.
The Altex A2T race organisers would like to thank Shirner and Lusty & Blundell management for their generosity in supporting and sponsoring this iconic and long running event.
For any further information regarding this exciting sponsorship announcement, please contact the people below:
Roger Rushton Shirner Dyson Reina Del la Varis
Altex A2T Coordinator Lusty & Blundell Marketing Altex A2T Publicity
0274 714 715 0272 452 530
Auckland to Tauranga Race Committee
Tauranga Yacht & Power Boat Club
Ph: 07 578 5512
90 Keith Allen Drive, Sulphur Point, Tauranga 3110